

网络委员会 一九九九年七月七日

  1. 介绍
  2. bet365中文大学 educates its students for generous service to the church and society in keeping with a faithful witness to Christ and to the worldwide mission of the 基督复临安息日会 Church. 虽然大学的范围自成立以来发生了变化, the distinguishing marks of identity envisioned by the founders still guide the University and will continue to guide its use of technology. 在我们对待新技术的方法中,bet365中文认识到它仅仅是一个工具. 像其他工具一样, 资源与人才, 而是我们如何使用技术,决定了它如何荣耀神.

  3. Andrews 网络策略的焦点


  1. 成为向公众宣传大学的媒介.
  2. 积极树立bet365中文大学的正面形象.
  3. 提供资源支持bet365中文大学的教育使命.
  4. 改善bet365中文大学直接校区和扩展校区的内部沟通.

3. 定义和描述

大学网页 大学网站的主要入口是什么.

  • 外观和内容是Web协调器的职责.
  • 页面将包含bet365中文大学的单词标记和必要的导航栏.
  • The director of 大学的关系 will frequently review these pages to ensure that they reflect the same high level of quality and consistency as the university’s print publications.

集中支持的页面 是为了给访问者提供正面的印象而设计的吗, 推广bet365中文大学,改善校园沟通.

  • 外观和内容是Web协调器的职责.
  • 虽然新闻报道和公告可能来自各种各样的来源, 大学民政事务处有权监察资料的适当性和准确性.

学院、学校或分部网页(学校网页) 每个学院、学校或部门的主要入口是什么. They are the responsibility of the head of each entity and must meet the following criteria:

  • 设计和外观必须遵循由Web协调器提供的模板,并包括:
    1. 院长或主任的欢迎. (建议这一欢迎关注高学术质量, 教师/学生交互, 和来到bet365中文的精神差异.)
    2. 该特定学校的学术部门和课程的列表.
    3. 是否可以包含“学校亮点”来宣传学校的优秀.
    4. 联系方式:电子邮件、免费电话等. 为学院、学校或学部提供招生服务.
    5. 所有资料必须正确并及时更新.
    6. Each page must contain the name of the person who updates the page and an email link to the Dean or Director.
    7. Each page must contain searchable keywords (meta-tags) that 描述 the type of information contained on that page for the site search engine.
    8. The content of web pages of the clubs and organizations that are associated with any school, 学院或分部的工作由院长/主任负责.

学术部门/课程页面 是学术部门的网页(如航空、会计、化学等)吗.) and are divided into two sections: the department description page and the department home pages.


为我们的用户提供一致性, 每个站点将从一个由Web协调器管理的描述页面开始. 每个学术部门提供的信息将包括以下内容:

    1. 部门的主要目的/学术目标或目标.
    2. 提供的所有学位列表.
    3. 教师 & 学历要求:学历背景,实际工作经验.
    4. 前沿:bet365中文大学这个系的独特之处?
    5. 就业机会:这个专业的学生前景如何?
    6. Contact Information: 电子邮件 contact for the department, toll free number of the University.
    7. 如适用,提供部门主页的链接.



创建学术部门主页, 由部门管理和维护,并必须符合以下标准:

    • 提交的信息必须及时更新.
    • 包含负责该页面的大学员工的姓名.
    • 每个页面必须包含大学导航栏或标签.
    • Each page needs to contain searchable keywords (meta-tags) that 描述 the type of information contained on that page for the site search engine. (例如, 航空部门的页面需要包括这样的关键字:飞机, 飞行, 飞行, CFI, 认证飞行教官, 三磷酸腺苷, 航空运输飞行员, 仪器评级, 商业飞行员, 私人飞行员, 飞行员, 许可证, 培训, 等.)

It is expected that the design of each department site will appropriately reflect the University’s image. The director of 大学的关系 has the authority to require changes in design for pages that he/she deems not representative. 对于那些希望使用它的人,可以从web协调员那里获得模板.

大学服务网页 非学术部门(如詹姆斯怀特图书馆, 学习成绩, 它的, 大学的关系, Lithotech, 校园安全, 等.),由部门主管负责. Each site will start with a description page that will be designed by the Web Coordinators and will be uniform for each department.

  • 设计和外观必须遵循由Web协调办公室提供的模板.
  • 提交的信息必须及时更新.

俱乐部和组织主页 are the responsibility of the club or organization with the supervision of the club’s faculty/工作人员 sponsor and must meet the following criteria:

  • 包含正确的bet365中文大学文字标记和导航栏.
  • 组织宗旨或使命的声明.
  • 更新页面的人的名字.
  • 与大学教职员工赞助商的电子邮件链接.
  • 所载资料必须保持最新.

个人主页: bet365中文大学为教师提供主页网络服务, 工作人员, 并严格把学生作为教育服务对象. The University therefore reserves the right to set standards for the content of pages stored on the University server. 大学也可以限制个人网页的可用资源, 例如对网络带宽的利用, 每天的点击数, or CPU time utilized (in addition to the regular disk storage limits associated with a computer account).


  1. The home page must include the name and e-mail address of the person responsible for the content of the page(s).
  2. 主页必须包含返回大学主页的链接.
  3. All home pages must contain the following disclaimer: "The content of this page is the responsibility of the author and has not been reviewed or approved by bet365中文大学."
  4. Content on Personal Web Pages must not conflict with the ideals and mission of the University and must comply with the spirit and specific content of the Code of Student Conduct in the bet365中文大学 Student Handbook and the bet365中文大学 working policy. 故意失实陈述, 种族或性骚扰, 亵渎或淫秽的语言, 包括裸体和其他违反政策的色情内容是被禁止的. 个人网页不得描绘, 描述, 不得宣扬任何非法或不符合大学标准的行为. 本项目也包括其他网站和电脑的链接. Thus, a page may be judged in violation if it contains links to a page that is found in violation. 所有页面, 以及它们的所有内容, 都要遵守bet365中文大学的现行政策以及当地的, 州和联邦法律.
  5. 所有网页的内容必须尊重知识产权. 例如, no copyrighted material may be shown on pages unless permission has been obtained in writing.
  6. No commercial business endeavors are to be conducted through personal pages on the University system.

学生 who publish web pages found in violation of this policy or any other applicable bet365中文大学 policy may lose web privileges and may also be subject to the same disciplinary response as found in the current Student Handbook. 教师 and 工作人员 may lose web privileges and may also be subject to the disciplinary response found in the bet365中文大学 Employee Handbook.

Violations that come to the attention of the University will be reported to the appropriate campus conduct boards. 哪里有关于特权丧失的问题, an appeal can be made to a web review committee that will consist of two University administrators, 两位教员, 一个学生.

平行机构主页 are the responsibility of the director of the organization and must be consistent with the mission and goals of bet365中文大学. 支持组织,如(CYE), 瓦乌, 基督复临社区服务, SDANet), 可能有外部域名需要为他们的营销和发展目标, 前提是该网站已在它的服务器和网络上注册. 每个支持组织的主页必须包含“网站托管由 bet365中文大学,并附有大学主页的链接. If these criteria are not met, the site will not be hosted on any bet365中文大学 server.

IV. 质量与内容

Templates and visual identity elements will be available by contacting the Web Coordinator.

Any electronic publication produced by bet365中文大学 is a reflection of the 机构 and thus must be of good quality and responsible content. Official pages of the University and its departments will be regularly reviewed by the Web Coordinator and 大学的关系 director so that the college's electronic image reflects the same excellence as its print publications attempt to convey.

电子页, 以及它们的所有内容, 都要遵守bet365中文大学的现行政策以及当地的, 州和联邦法律. 连结到其他网站和电脑的连结也适用于此政策. Thus, a page may be judged in violation if it contains a link to a page that violates this policy.

It is not expected that one web policy statement will always be able to address all situations that may arise. 本政策可由网络委员会定期审查和修订.


学分:虽然各种学院和大学的网络政策进行了审查, 特别感谢范德比尔特一家, University of Minnesota and Calvin College for their excellent examples of web policy development and structure.